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The Impact of COVID 19 on Workers

Link Blog | November 10, 2020

Since the Bombshell of the COVID 19 Pandemic hit in March I think it’s fair to say that no-one has escaped some sort of change to their job. Many people have been made redundant or put on temporary layoff until further notice and therefore are back on the Job Hunt. Others are working from home on a full-time basis or if not full time, at least a few days per week.

How have Employees reacted to these changes?
There has been mixed reaction to this new working regime. Initially, it was a novelty not to face the journey to work, both from a time and a cost point of view. Many will have benefitted from the saving on travel costs with more money in their pocket at the end of the month. Others felt the benefit of the time saved on travel, therefore giving them more home time with their families.
The downside of this remote working regime is the feeling of isolation and missing out on the ‘office banter’ which most would feel is a positive factor to their job. Although most businesses are in regular contact via video calls there is still nothing like face to face interaction with colleagues and clients alike. Also, it’s generally felt the opportunity to progress is harder to achieve when working remotely as one’s managers or team leader are not seeing your input first-hand.
So, as we’re now feeling more optimistic of an end to the Pandemic some time next year, what is the best Solution for workers going forward?
It would appear both Businesses and Employees alike are hoping for the opportunity to work remotely for part of the working week. The Benefit to employees is the obvious travel cost saving and extra home time on the days not travelling to the office.
Historically, Employers were reluctant to allow a WFH option due to the investment involved with providing Laptops. Also, the ability to oversee workflow is more difficult. However, for Employers it’s a possible solution to the problem of office space available. Many businesses enjoying success were running ‘out of space’ to accommodate an expanding team. This could now be rectified by allowing employees to alternate their ‘in office’ working hours.

What is your Plan going forward? If you’re on the lookout for a move give us a call for a Confidential Chat to discuss your best options on 01-8456312 or visit our Website on

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